Thought that this may be useful for people using G4U and have a need to
access files from a ghost image without having to restore the entire image to a disk.

It is recommend that you have a recent Linux distro I used the latest Ubuntu as this has the latest fdisk and GNU file tools that support large files. Knoppix or
other new distros should work just as well.

Mount the file share where you have stored your images.
I used NFS as SMB seems to have a max file-size limit of 2Gb on file- share I was

# mount -t ntfs /mnt/ntfs

Uncompress the image but as a sparse file i.e. don't create the empty space on the file-share server.

# gunzip -dc test_t43p.gz | cp --sparse=always /dev/stdin test_t43_outo

Next you need to find the partition offset's that are inside your image as you cannot mount the image file directly as the first blocks contain the boot records and
other data.

# fdisk -l -u -C 592 <image_name>

Disk testo_t43_outo: 0 MB, 0 bytes
240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 592 cylinders, total 0 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
testo_t43_outo1   *          63   108939599    54469768+   7  HPFS/NTFS

Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
    phys=(1023, 239, 63) logical=(7204, 239, 63)
testo_t43_outo2 108939600 117210239 4135320 12 Compaq diagnostics

Partition 2 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
    phys=(1023, 0, 1) logical=(7205, 0, 1)

Partition 2 has different physical/logical endings:
    phys=(1023, 239, 63) logical=(7751, 239, 63)

Multiply the start cylinder by 512 to get the offset in this case 32256

# mount -t ntfs -o loop,offset=32256,ro <image_name> /mnt/loop

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/nfs/ghost# ls /loop
BOOT.INI                drivez.log    LOGFILE.txt    RRUbackups
BOOTLOG.PRV             engine.log    MSDOS.SYS      SUPPORT
BOOTLOG.TXT             hiberfil.sys  MSOCache       SYSLEVEL.IBM
BOOTSECT.DOS I386 NTDETECT.COM System Volume Information
ccrrec.ver              IBMSHARE      ntldr          TCPACHIP.LOG
Config.Msi              IBMTOOLS      pagefile.sys   VALUEADD
CONFIG.SYS              icons         Program Files  WINDOWS
Documents and Settings  IO.SYS        Recycled
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/nfs/ghost#

You now have access to all the files in the image.

Iain Allan

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