
Per http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/#shrinkimg, one should run preclone to reduce the 
image-sizes. This works well on /, /home and /boot and the dual-boot 
Windows-drive in the same machine. But what about linux-swap?

For ease of deployment, I usually just clone the entire disk and deploy that, 
instead of nitty-gritty partitions everywhere. When the swap-partitions start 
to reach 12GB or more, it kinda' slows things down in my experience.

So, how to preclone the swap partition? Ideas and/or hints?


# Sorin Srbu                    [Sysadmin, Systems Engineer]
# Dept of Medicinal Chemistry,  Phone: +46 (0)18-4714482 >3 signals> GSM
# Div of Org Pharm Chem,        Mobile: +46 (0)701-718023
# Box 574, Uppsala University,  Fax: +46 (0)18-4714482
# SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden     Visit: BMC, Husargatan 3, D5:512b
#                       Web: http://www.orgfarm.uu.se
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