Ohh man I love this game!  It doesn't take too much time but is seriously fun.  
With just a few link presses you get to make your own band and rise to stardom. 
 You get to manage gigs, sign on to a record label, record cd's, buy 
instruments and hire people for your band.  I'm lovin' it.  Plus it's browser 
based and totally blind friendly.
Check it out.

Go to:

http://www.musicrivals.com/game/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's the link if you want to help me out and get me 10 reputation....or just 
go to www.musicrivals.com
the help would be appreciated.
Also if you click on this link below my cd sales will increase.  At any rate, I 
thought this game is fun so I wanted to pass it along.  

BTW: what are other internet games that are blind friendly???  Thanks.

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