My friend Adam, who prides himself in being a massive star wars officionado, 
though he claims to like trek and I don't know if he's teasing me or not but he 
won't believe that Worf was in most of the seasons for DS9 (man that sentence 
was autrocious...a run on if I ever heard of one! sorry!)
At any rate, he says there's never been a wookie jedi so why make one?  I said 
somone will write it in the books eventually...or you could break new frontier 
and have The **FIRST** ever wookie gedi therefore pioneering into the universe 
of Lucus and enriching it.  He says I have to ask George before any of that.  
At any rate, I am at least writing his opinion down....he's sighted and doesn't 
have the internet and wouldn't play so this doens't really bring to bear but I 
wanted to know if you agree or nott.
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