Man they sound cool.   I like how geting through them was a bit diffficult so 
it was more of a challenge.  And the waya person could trick a 
rankor....sweet!!!!  I have always ramsackecked corspes in gmaes but never once 
thought of putting something back in one.  LOLOLOL
Great idea!!
YeahWin '95 did have some cool games.  Too bad they don't work on modern 
machines..they're too fast and besides you had to have multiple cd-roms to play 
the game.
Reviving these old games sounds awesome I never had the chance to play them 
myself.  Ya could change a few things to make them difffernet so it isn't an 
exact copy but follow the spirit of the older games and some of the storyline.  
In any case, the games will be great!!!!

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