Hi there. Hope you all are doing well.  I have a talking Star Tek 25 anaversery 
game.  I thought it'd be blind friendly because it says things like "Engage" 
and "shields up!" or "this is highly illogical".  Got it off ebay. I think it 
was like a 92 or something but it's hard to play and even sighted people have 
trouble with it.  Find it amazing thathand held games that old could've talked 
that much.  It's ok but too hard to work for me.

Another game though that does work is a vibrating pinball game.  You use the 
right bumper to also press in and hold to shoot then use the sounds and 
bibrations to keep it from going down the shoot.  Love the game.  It's one of 
the more expensive ones 'cause the super cheap ones break easily and don't have 
much audio output.  Probalby cost $10 or $20 don't rmember. Think you can get 
it at the Discovery Store.  
Hope this helps!!
Happy gaming!
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