Hi Cara,

Yeah, I don't disagree with Michael's point that we need more high
quality audio games either. The question is how to get their in a
realistic way.

I think one possibility might be to begin with an open source project
of some kind. One point Michael made was the fact that while we have
some cool audio games like Paladin of the Sky or Entombed we have no
way to modify, expand, or add game content to the games. They are a
done deal. What you buy is what you get.

If someone were to create an Entombed that was open source that
wouldn't be a problem. Anyone who wanted to could grab the latest
source and add a new level, new adventure, or make modifications to
the game which would solve that problem. Of course the gamer would
have to be skilled in programming to make changes to the code, but
most of the difficult work would be done for him/her.

Also since it would be open source it could be a community project.
Copyrights would belong to the entire community and therefore I can
see some really interesting stuff coming out of such a project.


On 12/16/14, Cara Quinn <caraqu...@caraquinn.com> wrote:
> Thanks Thomas, glad to be of service. :)
> It seems this question comes up from time to time and while I personally
> don't disagree with the sentiments Michael is expressing in the sense that
> we really should have more high quality audio games which better reflect the
> mainstream, I also think that many of us here feel this way too. Nothing
> wrong with that. :)
> It's just that with essentially no incentive for devs to do what needs to be
> done to create these sorts of projects, we're likely to have slow-going for
> a while. :)
> As I am writing this another idea just came to me.
> I wonder if anyone has pursued something like an NEA grant? (in the states)
> I bet that an audio game would satisfy the requirements for one of the many
> grants which are constantly on offer... This might be a way that at least more
> small projects can be accomplished or helped along at least...
> Anyway, let me wish you and everyone else a lovely holiday season!
> Thanks to everyone as always, for the great discussion!
> Cheers!
> Cara
> ---
> iOS design and development - LookTel.com
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
> Follow me on Twitter!
> https://twitter.com/ModelCara

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