Hi Marvin,

I'm afraid you are going to have to get a lot more specific for anyone
to answer your questions here. To begin with what mobile platform or
platforms are you intending to target. Knowing this will greatly help
us give advice pertinent to your questions.

For example, you mention working with text to speech. The problem here
is that working with text to speech on iOS, Android, and Windows
Mobile are all completely different, no one size fits all solution, so
either you have to pick one specific platform to target or design a
wrapper around each text to speech API and trigger the right one
depending on which platform is being used.

Sound is similarly going to differ based on target platform. There
isn't a one size fits all solution here for audio API. At least not if
you are planning on using C#.

If you have to write a web based game I'd suggest Java using the Java
Sound API as it is better equipped for what you are trying to do. C#
is a great programming language, but it isn't the right tool for this
particular job. Java would be far more suited to this kind of project.
That said, if you have to use C# I'd say focus on Windows mobile as
that would be the proper environment for C# development.


On 2/19/15, Marvin Hunkin <startrekc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am a blind programming student doing a certificate iv in programming from
> http://www.upskilled.edu.au and they use http://www.lynda.com video
> training, and they are redesigning their site for screen readers, and will
> be one of the beta testers, once they redesign.
> Okay, for one of my programming subjects, to do a mobile application.
> So working on and thinking about doing a web based accessible space
> invaders
> game.
> So I have visual studio 2013 community edition on windows 8.1 64 bit
> enterprise, running on a Toshiba satellite pro c-50-a machine.
> And using jaws 16 pro.
> So.
> I did have eyesight when I was younger.
> Just turned 50 last week.
> Now.
> I remember playing space invaders.
> So.
> How would I go about doing the sound, and also, a function to turn on the
> text to speech, as it needs to be web based, accessible on any mobile
> device, and also visually appealing to sighted users.
> Any ideas.
> Working my way through c #, and have just done the visual studio material.
> And then only wpf subject to get through, then to do the first subject in
> the programming cluster.
> First subject was research writing a research paper, and a procurement
> paper, and  three screen readers, jaws, nvda, window-eyes.
> And got a pass for that.
> Marvin.
> Ps: once handed up the first assignment, then will work through the next
> section, working with xml, then the mobile application subject.evaluated
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