
An excellent point. In many of the cases where murder or suicide is
involved in someone playing a game or appears that way probably has
more to do with some mental illness and other issues that have nothing
to do with the game. It is just in our society today where the media
has to find something sensational to report or make something sound
more sensational than it really is they try and draw conclusions about
the murder or suicide that may have no basis in reality.


On 4/30/15, Jody McKinniss <> wrote:
> I suspect that the people responsible for any murders or suicides related
> to
> D&D or any other game had some serious mental illness issues, and their
> decisions had much more to do with that illness than with the games
> themselves.  So to call any game evil based on behaviors committed by
> someone severely compromised by mental illness is ridiculous, especially
> when you consider that even had they not played the game in question, their
> ultimate behavior would most likely have occurred anyway.  The suicide
> and/or murder wasn't committed because of D&D, it was done so because of
> the
> imbalance in the person's brain, and likely would have resulted even if the
> person had never engaged in the aforementioned activities.  My uncle is a
> prime example.  He played D&D for hours and hours as a teenager, days at a
> time without sleep on a few occasions, engaged in paintball (Which is
> basically simulated hunting/killing, I believe), had several game consoles
> with graphically violent games.  Last time I saw him, he was 26 years of
> age.  He still had the latest game consoles, and a majority of his games
> were fighting, violent, and bloody.  Yet in the real world he's a husband,
> the Vice President of a company, a productive and contributing member of
> society who loves his wife and his familye.  So again, to the people who
> are
> so uptight in this country about every little thing, I say relax.  Have fun
> doing something in an alternate world that you know damn well you wouldn't
> do in your everyday life.  I believe that the everyday average Joe's mind
> is
> capable of separating ffantasy from reality, and the few that do act out
> what they hear, see, read, etc., are burdened with illnesses that would
> have
> eventually led to adverse behavior anyway.  Like I said, the thought of
> taking a human life in the real world is appalling to me, as it is to most
> people probably.  But I definitely like kicking some ass in psycho strike,
> lol.  I managed to get the rifle last night before I went to sleep.  It's
> better than the shotgun, but Aaron, it is definitely my opinion that
> automatic weapons should be included in the next release.  I just hope that
> you've managed to see suggestions buried in with all of the debate
> surrounding violence, religion, and  other things.  Lol.
> ---
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