How does a blind person drive with their ears?

Almost every game in the App Store is a video game – you watch the screen and 
press buttons.  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Our first game, Blindfold Racer is an audio game – you play be listening to the 
road, and hold your iPhone like a steering wheel.  And you hear music in your 
ears.   Turn the phone to the right, you go right.  Rotate to the left, you go 

When you get too close to the left side of the road, the music in your left ear 
gets louder.   Likewise for the right side of the road.  When the music is in 
the center of your head, you are in the middle of the road.

Blindfold Racer is a multi-level game: each time you complete a level – a track 
– you move to the next, slightly harder level.

Blind people complete first 5 levels fairly quickly, and like to play the game 
for hours.  Sighted people have a much harder time – most need to close their 
eyes while playing.

As one blind teen girl said to me while she was at level 12: “I can’t wait to 
play against my sighted friends.  I will so beat them!”

Watch this short video of teens playing the game (
 ), and you'll get an idea why Blindfold Racer is so popular.

Check out our blog, where you can download any of the games for free: (

Web Version


Kid Friendly Software | 5900 Collins, Miami FL 33140
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