Hi Jeremy.

I agree the wastes took randomness a bit far, and some sort of scaled approach might work, but there are examples of games that got it right, Angband, despite being a roguelike is one of them.

I do think Fallthru was a good example, because while the challenges were the same the ways you completed them differed, ie, where you went and what you collected sinse you were unsure what you'd get, and of course Eamon rocks.

The problem with If titles as an example of text games, is that generally the if community have got so tied up with the idea of puzzles and parza, they are stuck for any sort of other challenge, indeed any game with combat mechanics gets roundly bashed by if players, not to mention games with random descriptions or generation.

Text as a medium has several advantages rpg wise, the first and formost of which being that it is! possible to create a lot of randomly generating content, for example descripters for weapons or items simply using text generation, additionally, while I agree on the difficullties of providing full sound and audio, some sounds and background music can be added for effect the way games like Smugglers or indeed Kodp do it, thus creating something which has both a degree of complexity, and also a good atmosphere.

Entombed is actually a great example of this.

Beware the grue!


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