
Actually sinse I last went through slo about 5 or 6 years ago, things likely have changed a lot. I am a little sorry about the 326 hours work, but hay no point worrying.

I think the various sorts of dayly jobs will help me at least a lot with the grinding issue. I always found in games it was much easier to motivate myself when I had some specific goal to accomplish, one reason why the grinding only became an issue on arcase because up to that ponit I'd got more than enough quests to keep me going. While obviously pregenerated jobs aren't the same as specific quests, there still is something about working towards a specific sub goal rather than just trying to grind up x million xp because.

That is also why I like the none combat activities, I always wanted to try potion brewing (especially because I kept finding random potion ingredients during my exploration), and I think I'll enjoy playing with suntraps and such when I get there, which hopefully won't be too long :D.

All the best,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Towne" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Well I decided on a lcass

We've added a handful of new areas to the islands, including two new
areas and an area expansion on archais.  It probably won't completely
fix the grinding issue, but it definitely has made things better.  Let
us know how it works out :)


Alter Aeon MUD

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 6:21 AM, dark <> wrote:
Well I decided on Druid mage. I've had pretty much a hole bunch of recommendations for nearly every combo (ironiccally apart from clerric primary which is what I had last time), however i decided in the end to go for just what looked fun.

I always enjoyed the manual bits of being a necro, like making minians and undead and such, and I liked the druid carving totems. I always wanted to try brewing mage potions sinse I do enjoy exploring, and as the druid has minians of their own I thought necro might be overkill on the minians, so decided to go druid mage.

I don't know about third and fourth, sinse clerric, thief and necro all have advantages, though I might just ttdruid for minians and forget necro but use clerric for healing and buffs.

Actually i really look forward to trying the jobs and such. My one problem last time was arcase just got too draggy with constant grinding (god I got sick of that viking village raid), so having jobs and some of the other new stuff to do will be good, also judging by the power of some attack spells, combat with magic as opposed to stats looks pretty efficient, another reason I decided to try mage and the direct damage route.

definitely nice to play Alter again, it's been far too long, hopefully it won't take me another 300 odd hours to get back to level 26 :D.

All the best,

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