We have all tried contacting Valve Corporation via their phone number and via phone calls. When you call you only get a answering machine and they claim that they'll get back to you.
But they don't return phone calls nor e-mail letters.
The people that I've worked with have tried time and time again to get in touch with Valve Corporation and attempted to manage our way through the steam world.
Also with real no success.
So, hope this answers your questions.

-----Original Message----- From: Tobias Vinteus
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 02:29 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Calling all Gamers.

Have people tried contactign the developers themselves or high-ranking
community members or even the CEO, rather than going through the customer

If even that woudl fail, I'd say legal measures are in order.


On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, Ron Kolesar wrote:

Please read the letter that is down below and help us to force the united States based company Valve corporation who are the owners and the designers of the online gaming world known as STEAM accessible for we who use a screen reader and for blind gamers everywhere. Valve Corp, will not return phone calls. When you call you receive a answering machine and they say that they’ll get back in touch with you, but they never do. Also, they do not also not return e-mail letters as well. We the blind have attempted to advise them on how they could make the steam site and access to the programs for both free and for purchase blind accessible. But they don’t want to hear us. We have petitions out on the internet. If you do a search on something like. (petitions on how to make steam more accessible for the blind) You’ll see several petitions. I think the one petition on change.org has been closed out. But you’ll see comments from both blind and sighted supporters a like expressing why steam should be more accessible for we who would like to continue playing our favorite games and simulators. Now, here’s a more detailed letter with a couple of links that you also might want to take a look at as well. Any blind lawyers on this list who are gamers. We might want to share this with a few ADA lawyers. I’ve already have done that. So many thanks for the support. Now, here’s the letter with the links that you’ll also want to take a look at as well. Thanks for your support. Ron
Calling all gamers.
Please help by spreading the word about the following. We have to make the Valve Corporation here in the United States, the owner and designer of the new online gaming world STEAM to become blind friendly. When you call them, you just receive a answering machine and they do not get back to you. They also do not return e-mail letters as well. Here’s two links that might helps us to force STEAM to become blind accessible at long long last. Now here’s the links.
The steam accessibility guidelines are here:
Any violation of these guidelines will encure a fine of I think 1 million dollars and a 6 month suspension and investigation via the FCC.

The legal guidelines are also here.

Fines will also apply if valve does not follow these. By the way the dead line I think is this year.

They are working on the chat being more accessible but for some reason they are not applying the accessibility hooks and elements into other parts of the program.
block quote

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