well I knew that not everything's easy, I was just pointingg out that
that I never really thought about creating stuff that way, what I did
to start with just to play around with is to go into goldwave, create
a new file, go to tools|expression evaluator. Type in syn(3200*t) in
that format, you'll get a tone. However you can do ootles of stuff
with it, I managed to create very interesting and creepy results, with
pitch control, and I turned it into some wacky drum beat, which I
deleted, darn! It needed a lot of work though, so I fired up Audition
and generated white noise. Then I mixed both the sounds together with
goldwave's mix command, and used a dopler from audition. Came out
freaky. I deleted it though to save myself from doing very nasty stuff
with that file. My point is that nothing's easy, just like you said
tom. Now I gonna play with audition right now. Just to play around

On 7/5/07, Thomas Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't want you to think that making all sound effects is easy. It
> really depends on the effect required. Some are very easy, and others
> are somewhat difficult.
> For example, for a space station or lab you might want to record your
> home air conditioner unit, alter it some in Goldwave, and out comes a
> really cool background effect. That is easy.
> Now, if you want something like a laser beam that is much more
> difficult. to design. You need software to do digital test tone
> generation, and have to specify length, tone, and other things to come
> up with some sort of laser effect. Then, you might want to run it
> through Goldwave and see what you can do with it. They are very tricky
> to make. For something like that I tend to buy rather than make.
> Now, I assume you have heard of the jedi light saber from star wars.
> Interesting enough that familiar hum isn't that difficult toreproduce
> provided you have the materials to do it. Basically, they took an old
> tv set, turned the volume off, and recorded the hum of the tubes inside
> it. Then, altered them to what they are now.
> A couple of years ago I tried the same thing with my dads 1920's radio,
> and managed to come up with something similar. Not exact, but close
> enough to have fun with.
> Point is some game effects are easier than others to make. You'd be
> surprised what you can do with the right software and enough creativity
> to turn ordenary sounds into new and  futuristic ones, or make something
> new sound old.
> Andy Smith wrote:
> > oo cool... thats cool.  I always thought that you had to use all this
> > software and tinker with .wav files and do all kinds of complicated
> > stuff to create cool effects.
> >
> > On 7/5/07, Thomas Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Damian,
> >> Well, there are some effects you just can not create on your own like
> >> explotions as none of us really have the material to make them. In such
> >> a case I would just buy or copy one.
> >> However, you might me amazed of the hundreds of effects you can make at
> >> your own home with no cost. Record fans to supply ambience, open and
> >> close doors, step sounds, ringing phones, radio static, etc.
> >> Did you know you can use a jucy piece of fruit or a head of lettuce to
> >> make really grose flesh wound effects or injery effects by chopping it
> >> with a big knife or other sharp instrument.
> >>
> >>
> >> X-Sight Interactive wrote:
> >>
> >>> there's a point, how would i create a good smashing or explosion effect
> >>> without actually damaging anything? *grin* gees those sound ideas
> >>>
> >> libraries
> >>
> >>> are expensive!
> >>>
> >>> regards,
> >>>
> >>> damien
> >>>
> >>>
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> >
> >
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Andy, the best audio gamer!
Aim: blindguitardude
skype: musicproandy

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