Hi Ari,
For the record the person I was emailing today didn't say anything about 
suing me. At this point all he has done is ask me a lot of questions 
about conflicts of interests, how I obtained the copyrights to 
Montezuma's Return, how similar my game is to the Utopia title, etc. I 
am hoping this is just some confusion on his part.
I did explain that my game is an accessible game, made for blind and low 
vision users, and while it is similar to Montezuma's Revenge it is also 
different. I am hoping those diferences and the fact it is not a video 
game, per say, they will just leave me alone.
Though, after this little run in I am strongly thinking about changing 
the name of the game again. While I like the name I have for the game I 
would rather it not come up in search engines under Montezuma's Return 
which is a trade mark of another company.
As for suing it is a sad fact people are sue happy over here in the USA. 
When a woman can order hot coffee, spill it on herself, and then sue 
McDonald's for selling her hot coffee and win you know something is 
wrong with the legal system. I heard of a case involving a lawyer who 
payed for a pack of cigars, insured them for fire damage, smoked them, 
and then sued the insurance company for not paying him after his cigars 
were smoked and won. My point is that suing over here is often 
rediculous, but is a part of life.

ari wrote:
> really Thomas, feel very sorry for you about this, can't stand bloody evil 
> people like that, these big bullying corporate-types who try and find 
> anything to sue over to just make money, that's the one thing I find not 
> great about America, the culture over there of people just wanting to find 
> problems and suing all the time. It's absolutely disgusting, I mean, how 
> could anyone even confuse them with you, you are making a game for blind 
> people, they're not even bothering to do that anyway.
> Ari 
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