Hi Dark,
Generally speaking I believe Speech recognition can do from 150 to 200 
words a minute which is slower than natural speech, but works fairly 
well on modern day computers. The problem isn't really the speed of the 
speech but the training involved in using SR technology. If you want 
accurateSR you need to train it before you can use it.

Dark wrote:
> Hmmm, well yelling chaaaaarge! in sound rts might be fun, but don't you have 
> to speak incredibly slowly for those speech recognition things to work? And 
> those speech sensative meneues on telephones can be an absolute nightmare 
> because of getting things very wrong, ---- that would make a game slightly 
> frustrating imho.
> If the tech was there for really good speech recognition and quick response, 
> I'm all for it, but I'm not sure what state things are at along those lines 
> at the second.
> Beware the Grue!

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