Hi again Claudio.

As Thomas has pointed out before.  The blind game market is sadly small in
retrospect.  As far as making games for Cimbian, Windows Mobile and Windows
Smart phones.  You are taking a lot to chew on, and this would not be wise
for a company start up projections.

I know on the Windows Smart Phone side, most phones only have 50 meg storage
with  out a flash card, and most of that is used to keep programs in memory
while the phone on, so it would be a hard thing to do to make a game that is
worth wild to buy for a cell phone, which will change some times soon, as
Phones become more and more like a laptop these days.

Also not to mention so many configuration on phone keys it would be a hard
thing to make a game that would play smoothly with some only have a numb
keypad and others with a querty keyboard.

Mac, and Linux, are going to be even harder, as I'm guessing 1 percent of
blind or VI people even use one.  And even if they do, I'm betting they have
a Standard PC next to them when they can't do what they need with the other

As every one on this list as said before, you have yet to come out with a
game or some sort of project that shows that you are able to do as what your
company has planned.

I would suggest coming out with games that are simple, and yet have not came
out for the blind, and work your way up.  That way you gain Knowledge,
Collections of resources, and above all else Customers who know you are a
company or person that is able to deliver the product as promise.

I write Stories, Articals, and soon to be publish book.  I never once asked
for donations or jump in and fork out huge amount of money to publish my own
book.  I started off small, let people see whom I am, and what I can come
out with.  Yet, I only do writing as a hobby, not a job, and only for fun.  

I have been given a chance to publish my first Book, simply because I've was
contacted by a publisher, who was willing on funding my hobby.

I be honest, I started out my own Small Engine Business a few years ago.
Did I make lots of money, no.  I've went into the red zone for nearly 2
years, and finally got out of the zone just sticking it out.  Sure I got
help from the state and so forth, 

I didn't make money for over 2 years.  Now, I was stressed out and grumpy
and hated even opening my door every morning, but I now enjoy it, since I
have a stable customer base and financial peace knowing I am no longer
struggling.  Same goes with my other jobs I do for a living.



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