Hi Darren,
The founders fear of solids is definitely a lot like human nature. 
Humanity as a rule fears that which we don't understand, pre-judge 
others based on generalities, and always think our actions are morally 
justified even when that view might be in the wrong. In this respect 
using the  founders to show us our own short-comings is a very powerful 
lesson in how not to be so judgmental and why not to view everything 
simply as black and white.
The sad truth is world history has proven time and time again that 
whenever a large group of people take a black and white view of things, 
there can be no other view accepted, that it ends in lots of bloody and 
painful conflict.
For example, Christianity in its purest form attempts to teach people to 
love one another, to love our enemies, how to settle differences 
peacefully if possible, etc. However, historically speaking it is the 
religion at the root of some of the most bloody conflicts of all time.
During the 12th and 13th centuries the Catholic church sent troops to 
capture Palestine, and make it a Catholic state. All involved believed 
that it was God's will, and they set out for bloodshed, murder, on a 
scale too horrifying to consider. A captured prisoner was ordered to 
become Catholic or die. Many Jews, Muslims, and even other Christians 
were killed by the thousands because they didn't want the Catholic 
church sticking its nose into their business.
Later during the reformation thousands of protestants were hunted down 
and burned at the stake all for the crime of wanting a Christianity 
based on biblical principles and not one dictated by the Pope. So the 
irony is while these Catholics claimed to be Christians they were 
willing to kill other Christians, Jews, etc in order to prove might 
makes right.
On September 11, 2001 a handful of Muslim extremists thought they would 
make their public statement by taking down the twin towers and hitting 
the Pentagon. What did their religious act of hate prove? I don't know, 
but it does show what length human beings will go to when they make 
religion, politics, etc an absolutely black and white issue.

Darren Haris wrote:
> Actually I liked ds9, because ok yes it was based on a war theme by the
> end of it, still, even in the most peaceful places there is still going
> to be the threat of war from somewhere. Even if earth never actually
> felt the apressions of war, someone has to. There will always be someone
> who wants what you have or is afraid enough of you to try and get rid of
> you 1 way or other. The founders fear of solids because of how they were
> treated by the solids in their part of space, etc etc there's a lot of
> things you could take from ds9. personally I think it was very well
> written. 

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