Well said. I'd play a space pirate, or at least work twards one, if  
only I can be quick enough with weapons and manoover. If I could only  
do that I'd be making more money then I did when I was playing.
On Aug 22, 2008, at 6:05 PM, Patrick Brown wrote:

> Greetings,
> My name is PATRICK BROWN and I play a CHARACTER named PATRICK
> FITZPATRICK on a game called MIRIANI. I've noticed that a lot of you
> wish to complain about me by name on this e-mail list, and Miriani in
> general. To explain, Miriani is a player versus player role playing
> game. So while you may play the role of the tea sipping partier who
> hauls the occasional asteroid, I choose to play the dirty, rotten,
> low-down space pirate. Sure, you have a right to play the game as you
> wish, but I also have the right to play as I wish. Do I complain your
> tea parties? No, I crash them. So don't complain about mine. If you
> want to have undisturbed tea parties in outer space, go find a non-pvp
> space oriented game. I'm sorry Patrick Fitzpatrick makes all your
> Miriani lives miserable. Hell I even tried to tone it down because
> people were crying and whining so much. Why don't you come fight back?
> O NOES I have a battle-cruiser! Its so impossible! I was stomping you
> people in carriers and transversers, do you really think its the ship?
> Wow, I have a mighty occupancy scanner and a couple of laser rooms. Oh
> no, so much better than a gunship. Also, conspiring against my
> character on some e-mail list? Meta-gaming much? You people really
> need to grow up. Honestly, none of you would last five minutes on Star
> Conquest with Michael McCoder after you. Miriani is a great game, I
> love it, everyone should just play and not complain so much. PEACE OUT
> Regards,
> Patty Fitz P
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