Hi Charles,
I would recommend the Logitec Rumble Pad. I have a Logitec Rumble Pad 
with 10 buttons and it is a nice controller, and it only cost me about 
$40.00 at Best Buy. Here are the features.

1. 10 programmable buttons.
2. A POV hat for changing player's point of view.
3. Two minijoysticks for handling player movement.
4. Force feedback support.
5. USB 2.0 compatible.
6. A speed throddle.

Charles Rivard wrote:
> I'm planning to buy one device, and only one device, that will enhance my 
> gaming.  Game pad?  Joystick?  I'm not sure what to get or how much it will 
> cost and how easily it is used on games for the blind.  I want force feedback 
> for when a game includes it.  I don't want billions of buttons if I don't 
> need them.  (grin)  I'll probably get swamped with responses, which is cool.  
> The responses I want, though, should be informative.  I don't merely want one 
> like "Get the 86-RB-12."  I want, in essence, your experiences with your 
> suggested device.  Why should I get this one as oposed to another?  What, if 
> anything, makes it stand out.  It must work with Windows XP, and, preferably, 
> a USB device or something that will hook to a PC that is not all that new.  
> Also, if software must be installed, sighted assistance must not be required. 
>  I use JAWS 9.0.  Thanks.

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