Hi Shaun,
Sure. That is true. However, even with copyrights there are ways of stepping around them. Even though I can't technically write a game named Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones that doesn't mean I can't write a game along the same lines with different characters, sound effects, etc. As long as it is different enough from the original copyrighted work a person can get away with it. Take a game like Resident Evil 1. Well, from what I seen other than a few main characters the majority of the game is public domain stuff. Zombies are public domain, a city mall, a clown with a chainsaw, a butcher with a big knife, a Homeland Security agent, etc really isn't all that unique to get full copyright status. Names, places, etc might have to be changed, but big deal. something like Resident Evil could be made with enough small changes here and there to qualify as a new work. Most of the time copyrights are a pain, but not impossible to deal with. The only cases where they are real trouble is with big mainstream copyrighted works such as Star Wars where you can't just put a generic spin on it. Stuff like Jedis, light sabers, Sith, and the supporting characters are so important to the plot that you can't remove them and make it work.

shaun everiss wrote:
well its not an easy business.
copywrites, the issue that this is not a full time job, you don't get much from 
it, etc.
And you don't have a team of devs doing things.

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