
Darren Said:
Who's making people aware that there is:
1. a demand for these games.
2. proof that said games can be either coded or adapted such as audio quaik.

Tom Says:
Believe it or not there are some organizations doing this. The IGDA goes to several mainstream gaming conventions hoping to promote accessibility awareness as well as make said companies aware of where accessibility technology is today. I'm not real clear on the latest on that front, but Richard from audiogames.net can tell you more on what groups he is involved with that do this sort of thing.
*quote end*

Thanks Tom. Yes, the IGDA Game Accessibility Special Interest Group (GA-SIG: http://www.igda.org/wiki/Game_Accessibility_SIG ) is currently the most active group out there to promote the accessibility of games. For about 5 years members of the GA-SIG have been doing talks at key game industry events such as GDC, DIGRA Conference, E4All, FuturePlay, Montreal Game Summit, SIGGRAPH and Develop Brighton, as well as more disability related conferences such as ICCHP and ICEVI and disability computer camps such as ICC. Next to spreading the word face to face, there are/have been several webinitiatives such as Game-Accessibility.com, AbleGamers.com and DeafGamers.com (to name only a few) to target the Google-crowd and help potential gamers who are not yet aware of accessible games to stumble upon the subject. And next to this, members of the IGDA frequently publish articles on important industry websites, such as Gamasutra (http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=13650) and TerraNova (http://terranova.blogs.com/terra_nova/2007/05/what_do_we_mean.html). And next to this, several of us at IGDA work as lecturers/researchers at design academies/universities as well, through which we are able to introduce game accessibility to new generations of game designers. For example, I've been teaching a class in game accessibility for three consecutive years now, in which a total of about 150 game designers had to create audio games. And on a final note: several of us also work in (or used to work in thus still having close ties with) the professional game industry, sharing the topic through that way.



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