
  If you have no luck in locating the archive review I've also got it saved 
for the next issue.  One thing I'm finding is I can't half the time recall 
which button is which.  I'll have to work on that part.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Charles Rivard" <woofer...@sbcglobal.net>; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a very! long! shot!

Hi Charles,
It sounds to me by the description given hear you have the Phillips
SGC-2909 PC game controller. It is a very fine controller, and you might
want to read my review on it. It was sent to this list about a month
back so it should be in the archives somewhere. It has some very
valuable info that might solve many of your questions.
First, as for software installation plug the unit into your PC. Windows
will plug and play it and install a generic driver. the generic driver
is ok, but if you want force feedback control you need the Phillips
drivers off the minidisk. Now, install the drivers, and reboot.
Second, you said the controller did not come with a USB chord. Actually,
it does, and it is wrapped up inside the controller. The nice thing
about this unit is you can pull the USB cable out of it plug it into
your computer and use a lever next to the chord to wrap it back up into
the unit when done using it. Only stipulation is be careful not to let
it wind back into the controller too fast as it can break the cable.

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