Hi Che,
Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try and let you know the results.

Che wrote:
I am answering this on list in the hopes it might help other developers as well. To trap the mouse, simply reset its coordinates to wherever you want it locked every cycle. If your form pops up at mid screen with a resolution of 500, 500 for example, lock it to 500 -500 and you should be golden, just get the relative change each cycle from that point. I'm recalling the coordinate system off the top of my head here, but you get the idea I'm sure. You will have to play around with capturing its coordinates and determining how much movement to translate, depending on how often you ping it but there isn't much to that really , jus throw a multiplier variable in there that you can adjust while playing until you get it set to what you want. Like wise, this variable can be adjusted in options to allow the player to set their own mouse sensitivity in game. If you aren't using a hard cycle, then just give the mous its own thread and timer and away you go.
 There really isn't much to it once you get it locked down every cycle.

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