yeah, it'd be cool. Great idea!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Che" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:50 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] quick Blind Adrenaline update

 Hi all,
Some of you might have caught my previous posts on my plans regarding using the X Box 360 controllers as well as the We remote in my upcoming fighting game. To that end, I've been working with XNA, the new game development platform from Microsoft along with the programming language C sharp for the past two weeks. Overall, I dig it so far. The XNA C sharp combination will allow me to integrate x box and wii controllers as well as the usual keyboard, joystick and mouse combination into the upcoming fighting game. I found a blu tooth device that most best buys sell that will allow the wii remote to work with a PC, and I've been playing around with it. Looks like we will be able to actually punch our opponents by punching, and block by ducking and so forth for those that want to invest in a wii remote. For those that don't, full force feedback will be incorporated into regular controllers, as well as keyboard and mouse support. I have found that I can use a wii fit board as well, which is kind of like a small balance board we can use to dodge in the game, squat down, jump back, etc. The possibilities are tremendous, including a possible excersize software for the blind. I have created a fairly simple helicopter simulation to test out the new controls, right now all you can do is fly it around some and land it, and if you land too hard it crashes, but it has possibility and I may release it for free for folks to play with if they like once I add a couple little things, maybe an enemy to shoot at or something. Anyhow, wanted to keep you guys updated on the progress. These new possibilities with the controllers, our proprietary online code as well as new XNA features should make the next generation of games from Blind Adrenaline a lot of fun to play. I'll keep you guys updated as progress is made. In the meantime, would anyone be interested in the helicopter simulation? Suggestions welcome, but future development will be limited, so I may put in a single enemy AI or maybe a mission to deliver cargo or something, but I won't have time to do anything very extravagant with it.

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