I think they would notice us if we did something drastic.
the easiest thing sould be to make a game using their chars and names and well 
make an accessible game to show them what we could do.
Issue is we would get the wrong attention.
The other option is impossible or almost.
if we made something they wanted, then make it on par with their stuff then 
maybe they would be able to be interested.
There are several issues.
time and the number of devs we would need for a big project.
then there is the tech we would need.
good sfx, 3d graphics, directx, xna, multiplayer games with a large world base 
and servers ofcause.
we would need more things than even sod has.
we would be able to use the latest tech whatever that was.
The only game that actually comes close is teraformas and really thats it.
usagames stuff does hit it  but not quite yet.
we'd really have to hit it with loads of things.
At 10:52 a.m. 16/08/2009, you wrote:
>Hi Josh,
>Yes, several people have been in touch with mainstream game companies 
>regarding improved accessibility. There is an organization called IGDA which 
>has spent considerable time and money working towards improved accessible 
>games, and they have been continually stonewalled by the companies that be.  
>concessions have been very few and far between.
>For example, IGDA has managed to convince some game companies to include 
>closed captioning in many of their game scenes and dialogs for people with 
>hearing impairments. That, of course, doesn't help us any, but it is a small 
>compromise they managed to get out of some of these major game companies.
>The major problem comes down to time and money. We are a very small minority, 
>and are hardly worth a companies time and money. They are not going to shell 
>out big money on research and development for game accessibility unless they 
>are going to get a huge financial return on that investment. Unfortunately, 
>there isn't enough of us around to really make a major impact on their sales, 
>and we hold no real influence with these companies. So total accessibility is 
>pretty darned unlikely in the near future.
>That's to say nothing about the general attitude of these companies. From what 
>I've heard responses range from polite sympathy to outright rudeness. I get 
>the feeling some of these companies think of us as an annoying gnat that can 
>be swatted out of the way, and in a sense they would b correct.
>Josh wrote:
>>Has anyone ever thought of calling companies like Sony and writing letters to 
>>them  and petitioning for the major video game companies to modify their 
>>current games so they are accessible? put a visually impaired/blind players 
>>mode in the games and a button to access it? And with today's console 
>>arcitecture why not add text to speech built right into the console? same 
>>with pc games, add an accessibility option or a downloadable accessibility 
>>pack for the games. and since we got firefox and webvisum brushthose captchas 
>>aside, subscribe to the sighted gamers forums and lets make our voices heard 
>>and keep making them heard until we get what we want, the quality of games  
>>played by our sighted friends. 
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