Sean wrote:
the major devs are
or rather companies are gma, pcs, usa, dracoent, lworks, bpc.
there are minor devs, kitchensinc, and maybe those at
ma-dy, and maybe jayson at entombed, jeanluc on soundrts, maybe a couple others, the guy that did night of parasite although who knows.
everyone else is just hmm not on the list of relyable devs.

end quote

Hi sean,
Nothing personal, but I think what you stated here about the devs is total crap. To say Jims games are small potatoes and that he isn't as important as the folks releasing commercial games is just asinine. Last I checked, Jim has more solid titles out there than any of the other developers, and most of them combined. And if his games haven't been colectively played more than any other developers out there, I'll eat my shorts. And to say USA games is top tier and blind adrenaline is below them is ridiculous. Nothing against Thomas, but blind adrenaline has 4 commercial releases out there now, all making money, all running with over 95 percent success rate on the systems and all with pretty much unanimous praise from the players. As of this writing, USA games hasn't released a single commercial title, although one has been imminent for quite a while. Again, no slam on thomas' work, what I've seen of it shows he knows what he is doing, but I don't know what standard you could possibly be going by to rate what he has done over Kitchens Inc and Blind Adrenaline simulations. Rail Racer was voted best game of 2007, and you don't even mention Blind Adrenaline in your little list. Most of the time I just disregard your drivel, but these posts needs some serious correction. If you are going to deem yourself worthy of making comparisons between game companies, you need to show you half way know what you are talking about, or be deemed unable to post a solid opinion. Sorry if this comes across harsh, but I am proud of Blind Adrenaline's accomplishments, as I am sure Jim is of his, ditto for Jean Luc with Sound RTS, and rightly so, and to be judged second or third tier unjustly is just ridiculous

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