Hi Dark,
I may have the source code for Montezuma's Revenge around here, but I can't tell you what version of the source I have. I can say that beta 9 was full of miner bugs, and obviously I wouldn't be updating the game to fix those bugs. So even if I rereleased that game it would be with the understanding that it is a test release and not a stable version. Personally, I think a better suggestion is to create an all new open source project that is like Montezuma's Revenge but with a different name. That way I could put it on my developers center as an open source example of a simple accessible game while at the same time satisfying those who want a completely classic side-scroller.

dark wrote:
Hi Tom.

Here's a rather crazy idea to salve the feelings of those who are desperate for an 80's game.
Go back to the last stable version of montizuma's return, ---- say beta 9, ---- 
I stil have this on my harddrive, ---- which is possibly illegal, but deleting 
good games is against my principles.

The game already has 6, highly playable 80's side scroller levels. Re-reccord the name of the game to something generic, ---- Temple adventures, treasure quest, --- Montizuma's avengence, do a quick search and replace on the instructions to change the name of panama Jo to something else, ---- peruvian Jim?
Then offer it as an extra freeby to those who buy Mota.

They then get all of Mota, ---- which I hope will continue as a modern side scroller, pluss 6 levels of pure classic 80's! Just a suggestion. all the best,

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