Nice idea Bryan, however my point was that other than in the castlevania series, whips as holy weapons that have power over even normal undead like skeletons and zombies, let alone vampires etc are rather unknown, ---- I'm not sure why nintendo chose to give Simon a whip in the first place other than it being cool rather like Indiana jones' whip is cool.

As though Tom would obviously for copywrite reasons create an audio castlevania game which did not use the Belmont Family, ---- or possibly the Vampire killer whip, ---- why not include a more biblically logical weapon such as King Soloman's spear, the sword of Richard the Lion heart etc.

I'd hope Count Dracula was enough of a general public or historical character (there was afterall really a Count called vlad tepes dracula), for him to be useable in the game, even if all the other character's from stokers novel, ---- Johnathan Harker, mena and lucy etc wouldn't.

Beware the grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bryan Peterson" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Developer time was: My Opinion of Q9

Why not both? Perhaps you could set it up so that the vampire could be harmed by the whip but not actually slain. So the player could use the whip to get the vampire near to death, so to speak, then the stake or whatever weapon could be a special weapon which alone had the power to actually finish the vampire off. It might be kinda like the battle with Gannon in the original Legend of Zelda. He could be harmed with the sword but not slain. Once he turned red the only way to finish him off was the silver arrow, otherwise he would heal. It took my brother months to figure that out. Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice of pizza?
Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Developer time was: My Opinion of Q9

Hi Dark,
Hmmmm....Interesting suggestion. I guess the only question is how much like true Castlevania do we want to go with this remake. Personally I don't have a problem giving our hero a spear, stake, or some other special vampire weapon instead of a whip, but the whip is very classic Castlevania. Without the whip it would be missing a core element of the game. As you pointed out yourself perhaps the best part of the whip is that you could upgrade it with a more powerful whip until you got the long chain whip. That was definitely one of the better weapons in the game, and gave you a lot of attack range and could dispatch monsters quickly. Although, as we both said killing Dracula with a chain whip is pretty unrealistic and strange. So using something else might be better story wise.

dark wrote:
Indeed tom, ---- I have a copy of the stories to both Super castlevania and original nes castlevania kicking around somewhere.

Sinse however you can't use either the Belmonts, the vampire killer whip or the castlvania name, ---- why not take the oppertunity to give your hero a more realistic vampire slaying weapon, ---- My suggestion would be a biblically significant spear, ---- but there are plenty of other things you could choose which would imho make more sense than the whip.

Btw, if I remember rightly the whip's actual material changed with power ups, it started as lether, then after the player collected five weapon hearts became chain and correspondingly more powerful, ---- and after another ten would become a long chain morning star with lots of reach.

beware the grue!


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