Hey Thomas,
I don't see why you couldn't have some of monty's features in this game. I don't think whoever sent the cease and desist letter to you even played the game or looked at its documentation. even if they had, things like vanishing platforms are generic and you can't really patent or trademark it so they really can't do a thing about it.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] game difficulties was bestsidescroller?-Re:Q9version1.2.

Hi Yohandy,

Regarding sensativity that's pretty hard to do in an audio game.
Especially, one using a keyboard because something like DirectX only
cares if the key is pressed or released. How hard you hold it down is
irrelavant. So that is certainly a drawback to creating a game for the

As for moving/vanishing platforms, hanging ledges, etc I had all that
in Montezuma's Revenge. if I hadn't gottn my butt chewed on for
copyrights we would have a game like that right now.  So when I wrote
MOTA I wanted to step away from the Monte desaster and do something
different. Although, I could probably include some of Monte's

On 11/4/10, Yohandy <yohand...@gmail.com> wrote:
The problem I find with audio games that doesn't exist in mainstream games is the fact there's no velocity sensitivity when pressing buttons. Meaning you can press the keys as hard or softly as you want and it won't make the slightest difference for jump distances etc. in mainstream platforming games
sometimes you need to press and hold down the button if you're doing a
really high jump. we don't have such control for audio games. is this
because this wouldn't be possible to do on a keyboard? Also you guys mention ledges hanging out above the lava. I'd so love to see something like this in an audio game. this is definitely something sighted folks had to worry about when playing. in games like supermario there were also levels where you had various platforms that appeared above lava or pits or such similar hazards that would disappear if you didn't get across them fast enough. some levels even had a whole bunch of them that you had to make it through in succession
without falling to your doom. These types of things is what I'd love to
experience in an audio game.

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