I will say this. While I'm excited about the game, the music has always bugged me in the more recent games. Not that it's bad. I just find it to be the same repetetive stuff... and more often than not, there is no diversity in the music. It's all just the same one or two chords with different procussion thrown in. It's pretty cool for the first month of playing... but it gets real old after a while. What this game needs is a soul calibur kind of sound track. I wouldn't go as far to say like SF, since I don't think the rock / techno / whatever else they have wouldn't fit the atmosphere in the game. But a bit more variation in the music wouldn't hurt, instead of the same procussive drums and whatnot I'm used to.

Okay... someone tell me if that was a fair opinion? lol. I'm not trying to bash the game, having already said I'm excited for it, just want to know what other people think.

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