
John and I feel your pain.
We've been sitting here reading your latest USA Games News; informative as usual.

We use SAPI and JAWS in our games. Both are a pain.

SAPI crashes sometimes, not always, on our 64-bit machines; though it works fine on our 32-bit machines. Our examination of the Windows error logs confirms that the crash is in their SAPI DLL.

Your information about the 64-32 bit-ness of the voices is helpful to us there. Now we don't have to spend a whole lot of time looking for non-existent bugs in our code. (John says Yea!)

Suspect that all of us will just have to endure the occasional crash on a 64-bit machine until our gamers replace their voices. At least our stuff automatically saves at each step, so people don't lose their games.

And JAWS won't work at all on a 64-bit machine; but you know all about that.

Oddly enough, we're seriously looking into using recorded voices (MP3) for the second release of our "Sounds Like" game. The first release is in QA right now. Ryan, our chief Beta tester says some of the words are hard to understand. And Kelly commented on sound quality in his recent review of our stuff. So we take this seriously.

Since a word game is not nearly as complex as the RPG's you're doing, we think that using sound files might not be too resource intensive. Just gotta get Cyndi in front of the mike. (But she's off doing paying acting gigs right now.)

Thanks for your timely information. (John says yea again!)

Eleanor and John
7-128 Software

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