Hello Guido, Iustin, list,

We are writing to inform you about our current efforts in developing
around Ganeti, and request your feedback and commentary.

For VM deployment, we started with ganeti-instance-debootstrap, and also
worked with Ganeti Instance Image. Although they proved very useful in
the beginning, we faced the problem of secure, isolated deployment of
VMs based on custom, potentially untrusted, images, a problem that you
also mention in your XenSummit 2011 talk.

To address this, we have developed snf-image


a Ganeti OS provider targetting VM deployment based on custom, untrusted
images. Since it's dangerous to have the physical machine touch image
data, it follows a split model, whereas a very small part of the OS
provider runs on the physical machine, then passes control to a small
helper VM, which undertakes all customization, e.g., injection of files,
installation of bootloader, or setting hostname and passwords. This
overcomes the problem of ganeti-instance-{debootstrap,image} running
“chroot grub” on the host, or mounting untrusted filesystems.

It's still a work-in-progress, but we have been using it for quite some
time to deploy a number of Linux (Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu), and
Windows (Server 2008R2) images.

We're releasing it under the GPL, in the hope that it will prove useful
to the Ganeti community, as it has for us. We'd be glad to receive
any comments, feedback, suggestions for future improvement you may have.


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