>>> On 7/3/2008 at 10:20 AM, in message
, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> > > Should a single module handle all architectures, or 
>> should there be 
>> > > a different module for each architecture?  Also, does gmond have 
>> > > some way
>> > 
>> > Ideally a single module should be able to handle all 
>> architectures.  Practically, this may not be possible with 
>> some metrics.  My guess is that for some modules like 
>> multi-disk, there will probably have to be different modules 
>> for each architecture or at least for architectures that are 
>> different enough to make it impractical for a single implementation.
> It would probably be sufficient to add an extra method to the module API
> that can check whether the architecture is supported.  The module
> implementor could then decide whether they want their module to be
> multi-architecture or single-architecture.

This should be done in the metric_init() function and if the architecture is 
not supported, then the function should not return any metric definitions.  In 
fact for a multi-arch module, all that the metric_init() function would need to 
do is detect the architecture and then switch the actual metric_handler() 
callback to the appropriate handler for the architecture.  Then the metric 
module would simply reimplement a metric_handler() for each architecture that 
it supports.  This is basically what is being done for all of the standard 
metrics (cpu, memory, disk, network) today.  The only difference is that the 
handler switch is happening at compile time rather than during the 
metric_init() because the standard metrics are all C interface modules.


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