> I've been looking at how we currently deploy Ganglia configuration files
> in our organisation, and whether the process can be improved.


> - allowing a central configuration server to override some, but not all,
> of the values specified in the config file

This is possible with cfengine, and other configuration management
tools.  I have several groups of machines, and different gmond.conf
and gmetad.conf files are distributed to the various systems based on
that group membership.  While not exactly autoconfiguration, nor is it
a Ganglia-only solution, it does work quite well.

> One issue that concerns me is the possibility of all nodes starting up
> together and overloading the configuration server with requests -
> whatever scheme was used would have to be able to deal with this
> scalability issue in a sensible way.

CFegnine has a number of simple, but very serviceable, features to
prevent overwhelming a central server.

There is also a similar program called "Puppet" with many similarities
to cfengine.  I believe that it has been adopted by Fedora/Red Hat as
a supported management platform.

Jesse Becker
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