On 1/27/12 7:24 AM, Gladish, Jacob wrote:
> If you want access to that metric data in JSON format,  the quickest
> way, by far, is to write a small conversion utility that fetches data
> from the gmetad. I can imagine a perl script running in Apache/CGI
> that does it on demand. You'd then have access to  apache's caching
> capability. And if necessary, you could even make it so that you can
> query for scalars instead of the entire dataset. Imagine something
> like:
> wget
> http://my-gmetad-proxy:8080/gxml-to-json.pl?cluster=foo&host=bar&metric=baz
>  Someone who's PHP savvy could possibly write this so that it fit
> into the ganglia web. I'm not sure RPM dependencies are an issue at
> this point as this could be something optionally installed or simply
> disabled if JSON packages where not present.

"Quickest" maybe if your metric is time to implement without writing C 
code for the ganglia project... However, what I'm proposing is offering 
a tcp listener port to gmond, not gmetad, which could be queried 
directly and in a light weight fashion and would be entirely independent 
from even having a running gmetad. Also, ANY system which takes one 
format then parses it and reformats it into a another output format is 
not only going to reduce transport and computational load but it will 
greatly increase those loads. I can say this with 100% confidence as 
I've implemented such systems for not only ganglia, but also for 
opennms, and nagios.

I don't want something that builds on top of gmetad (honestly I'm not 
even convinced that gmetad has much of a future in ganglia-monitor-core 
but that is a whole other discussion) rather I'm proposing that gmond be 
made more flexible and developer friendly as well as increasing the 
general efficiency of it's method of communication. gmond already has a 
nice lightweight binary protocol for nodes to communicate with one 
another, one which it is possible to code against directly, but it 
requires independently tracking the metadata hash as well as maintaining 
a state machine to honor DMAX and TMAX policy. XML OTOH is self 
describing and schemaless, but it is wildly inefficient in byte count 
and parsing it is quite computationally expensive especially in the case 
of large clusters where the XML from gmond might weigh in at 10's of MB 
per transaction (I measured 30MB on a cluster yesterday). Generating 
json in the same sort of streaming fashion that the current xml code 
works in should be mostly trivial and the end result would serve provide 
more options to both endusers and developers.


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