>>> On 5/26/2008 at 7:18 AM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, randy
> I'm trying to configure ganglia (3.0.7) to monitor 120 nodes. It works 
> fine if I just enter a small number of nodes as data_source in the 
> gmetad.conf file, just like all the documentation shows. But if I try to 
> enter "too many" nodes, gmetad segfaults at startup.
> That is,
> data_source "cloud" rack1node1 rack1node2
> works just fine.
> But a data_source entry with all 120 nodes listed segfaults. I've also 
> tried using a backslash-newline to break the line apart with the same 
> result. My last attempt used multiple lines, all with the same cluster 
> name ("cloud"). I have about 10 lines like that, as many as it took to 
> list all the nodes. That doesn't segfault, but it only shows some of the 
> nodes (the last 30, which span multiple data_source entries).
> Admittedly it was Friday afternoon when I tried this, so I didn't spend 
> too much time debugging. But it's been bothering me all weekend. I 
> haven't seen any examples/docs with more than a couple nodes listed.

Is there a reason why you would want to list all 120 nodes in the data_source 
directive of gmetad?  When you list multiple modes in a data_source directive, 
it does not mean that gmetad is pinging all of them for data.  It simply means 
that if gmetad can not get data from the first one in the list, it tries the 
next one.  In the Ganglia architecture, data is pushed from a monitored node to 
either a multicast channel or to a single gmond master node.  A gmetad 
data_source simply references one node that is listening on a multicast channel 
or the single gmond master node in the case of unicast.  There should never be 
a need to have more than just a few nodes listed in a data_source.  


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