>>> On 6/18/2008 at 7:39 AM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi,
> These days I was testing the release of Ganglia , most of all 
> the Python modules feature.
> I managed to plug several metrics into Ganglia using the new feature and 
> it works very well.
> I saw that SPOOF_HOST and SPOOF_NAME aren't attributes of the metric 
> descriptors , but could be attached to the metric as extradata . How 
> could I attach this option to the metric? Is it possible in the 
> release of Ganglia? Could I have more information about this?

It isn't possible to create a spoofing metric module in the 3.1 code yet.  This 
is functionality that I just recently added to the trunk source tree but since 
it touched so many files, I didn't want to take a chance of destabilizing the 
3.1 branch.  If you pull and build the trunk source tree, you should be able to 
build a spoofing metric module by simply adding the SPOOF_HOST and SPOOF_NAME 
to the metric description for a python module, or adding the same data as extra 
data for a C module.

Python example:

d1 = {'name': 'my_spoof_metric',
        'call_back': my_spoof_handler,
        'time_max': 90,
        'value_type': 'uint',
        'units': '%',
        'slope': 'both',
        'format': '%u',
        'description': 'Some spoofed metric',
        'groups': 'spoof',
        'spoof_host': 'spoof_ip_address:spoof_host_name',   #Same format as the 
gmetric -S option
        'spoof_name': 'alternate_metric_name'}                      #Optionally 
specify and alternate metric name

Hope this helps,

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