>>> On 5/7/2010 at 12:48 PM, in message
<r2wd4c731da1005071148t4107614fj661b0e3b5a27a...@mail.gmail.com>, Bernard Li
<bern...@vanhpc.org> wrote:
> Hi Brad:
> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Brad Nicholes <bnicho...@novell.com> wrote:
>> The primary place in the code where the value type and format come together 
> is at the point where the value is converted to a string and formatted into 
> the XML tag.  In this case, allowing the module to define the format also 
> allows it to specify the precision that will ultimately show up in the XML 
> output from gmond.  I don't know if that is really a valuable feature or a 
> good enough reason to not hardcode the format string for a given value type, 
> but that is how it works now.
>> Another place in the code where value type is very important is when the 
> value is pushed through XDR.  This is the process which packages a metric 
> into a very small packet which can be passed between systems safely.  In 
> order for XDR to create the packet correctly, it has to know exactly what 
> type of data it is dealing with.  Otherwise the data will be packaged and 
> unpackaged by XDR using the wrong types and who knows what you will end up 
> with after that.
> I have updated the Wiki page with additional information regarding the
> format string for the metric.  Currently I am referencing the Python
> format string format, however, it looks like I should be referencing
> apr_snprintf()'s...?
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/ganglia/wiki/ganglia_gmond_python_modules 

Right, apr_snprintf() is used to format the string that is used in the XML tag. 
 Basically if the format string is following the printf() guidelines, it is 



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