On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 03:29:17PM -0400, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
> More than 4 years ago I reported a bug regarding gmond not honoring
> mcast_If setting 
>   http://bugzilla.ganglia.info/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=94

mcast_if should be working fine in 3.0 since 3.0.5, could you confirm
that? now you should be able to force multicast traffic to go through
a specific interface if adding mcast_if into the corresponding
udp_send_channel setting.
it was broken again though in 3.1 and while it was fixed again for
3.1.2 as shown by BUG140 you would need 3.1.7 for a full fix and set
of directives that are meant to help control all parts of functionality
including also the IP that would be used as the source (which is what
bind and bind_hostname are for) independently of the interface or IPv4

> We resolved it by adding a route. It would seem that in unicast mode
> this should require no changes. Can you send us what your routing table
> looks like ?

unicast could use a different IP as the source if instructed to do so
by explicitally binding to it or to the "resolvable" hostname as it
seemed by the original reported configuration.

agree though documentation is a little thin around of all it (there is
also some complementary explanation in the README) specially with 3.1.7
which has now several overriding settings that affect this (routing, 
mcast_if, and bind/bind_hostname)


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