Hi Jamie:

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Jamie Isaacs <pdt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have uploaded a new patch against trunk r2344
>   http://bugzilla.ganglia.info/cgi-bin/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=230&action=edit

Got the following in my apache error_logs when conf.php does not have
$optional_graphs declared:

[Sun Oct 10 21:47:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
Undefined variable: optional_graphs in
/var/www/html/ganglia.dwoo/web/meta_view.php on line 248
[Sun Oct 10 21:47:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
 Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/var/www/html/ganglia.dwoo/web/meta_view.php on line 248

> Yes, ignore the old patch to 3.1.7. It had unclean changes to conf.php.in;
> however, it would make for an easy backport.

Actually, if you could upload a clean patch for 3.1 and maintain that,
it would make backporting to 3.1 much easier if/when we decide to do
that after it's been checked into trunk.



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