
I have read this page, which got me started :

Now I have this problem:

In ganglia 3.4.2, I am trying to get the following to work:

- I created a webs_report.json file in graph.d.
- I named a custom metric that I am collecting via gmetric from the host
named in the json, like this:

   "report_name" : "webs_report",
   "report_type" : "standard",
   "title" : "Web Server Response Time Report",
   "vertical_label" : "Seconds",
   "series" : [
   { "metric": "Ext-NewWeb01-Entry", "color": "3333bb", "label": "Web
1", "line_width": "2", "type": "line" },
 { "hostname": "SD1GGL01LX.SAKSDIRECT.COM" "clustername": "SaksGanglia"

I have the following file in the rrd directory, and it is being updated
from the host:

[root@sd1ggl01lx SD1GGL01LX.SAKSDIRECT.COM]# ls
boottime.rrd                          entropy_avail.rrd
mem_mapped.rrd             tcp_closed.rrd
bytes_in.rrd                          Ext-NewWeb01-Entry.rrd

Yet my graph appears with no information in it, not even the vertical
label, and says "No matching metrics found"

Any ideas? Am I supposed to define that metric somewhere else besides
creating it with gmetric and sending it from the host?

Ron Cavallo 
Sr. Director, Infrastructure
Saks Fifth Avenue / Saks Direct
12 East 49th Street
New York, NY 10017
212-451-3807 (O)
212-940-5079 (fax) 
646-315-0119(C) <> 

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