I'm setting up a new ganglia web install, all the metric collection is
working fine, but I'm having an issue with the CSV/JSON/Inspect features of
the web interface.

exporting the data gives me a bunch of data points with the same date of

and when I click on Inspect, there is one line of data, all squished in on
the same timepoint of 1969-12-31T19:00:00-05:00

I cracked open the graph.php code, and saw that it was looking for what I
assume to be a timepoint in each row of data that comes back from the
rrdtool xport call.

In my environment, there is no such <t></t> entry in the xml output that
comes from rrdtool xport

I'm running:
ganglia-web 3.7.1
RH 6.7

I haven't found any documentation that says ganglia-web requires a certain
version of rrdtool in order for this to work out of the box, and it looks
like the default behavior of rrdtool xport has changed overtime.

<some time passes....>
....I just found that there is an option you can pass to rrdtool 1.6.0 that
provides exactly what I need:

Adding this option to my graph.php file in the rrdtool xport call has fixed
all of my issues (around line 1091):

$command = $rrdtool .
    " xport --start '" . $rrdtool_graph_start .
    "' --end '" .  $rrdtool_graph_end . "' --showtime "

hopefully this post will be useful to some other poor soul who is
struggling with this too.

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