Greetings Ganglia Gurus,  :)  

I recently setup a CentOS 7.2 based cluster and am pulling the ganglia binaries 
from the OS distro (ganglia v3.7.2).  Things were working well with the base 
metrics, so I installed the InfiniBand add-on and see data flowing in from that 
as well.  So far, so good!

Next I took the example_report.php and updated it with some custom power 
metrics that I'm collecting.  When I click on the cluster of interest and then 
select the my report from the drop down menu, the nodes at the bottom of the 
screen work fine and show my metrics, but the aggregated graph just under the 
heat map was missing. If I select a raw metric like cpu_user for example I do 
see one. 

I went through all of the reports in the /usr/share/ganglia/graph.d and none of 
them show an aggregate graph.  If I would like to present an aggregated graph 
is there a configuration option that I need to update, or is my report.php file 
just missing something to trigger the aggregate graph?  Maybe it is not 




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