RentWise Train-the-Trainer Workshop    9:00 am to 3:30 pm
12 slots still available --registration extended
email Phyllis Onstad at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for registration form

On November 19th in Rochester there will be a regional train-the-trainer
workshops for professionals who work with tenants and tenant issues. The
training will prepare professionals and volunteers to teach tenants about
decisions and behavior that impact their ability to secure and retain decent
housing.  RentWise teaches tenants to take responsibility for their housing
needs and issues.  

The RentWise program specifically focuses on:
*       The importance of positive credit and rental histories, and the
skills needed to build them.
*       Conducting successful searches for rental units.
*       Budgeting for housing expenses.
*       Becoming familiar with rental applications, rental agreements, and
references required.
*       Developing skills in communication and conflict resolution.
*       Tenant responsibilities, including information efficient
*       Tenant rights.
Many of the professionals who participate in the RentWise training work with
clients that have poor credit and rental histories and are dealing with
mental illnesses, chemical dependencies, domestic abuses, criminal histories
and/or are low income.  The train-the-trainer workshop equips housing
advocates and professionals to teach and mentor different tenant audiences
in work and community settings.  Housing advocates can also use this
information in case management and single, one-on-one lessons with their

There is a certificate available for those renters who complete the program.
In fact, some landlords and property managers recognize the value of tenant
education by offering rent reductions and giving preferences to applicants
and tenants who have completed the program.
When the RentWise program is implemented in a community as a 9-hour
certificate program the teaching units are  divided up and taught by various
professionals often with 6 different speakers and a panel of landlords and a
representative from legal aid.  Having several people from a community
attend this train the trainer workshop is important to divide up and share
the work. Plus the contacts made at the training will help communities both
round out their own program and share manageable responsibilities for their
community program's implementation.

The fee for the workshop is $80.00 which includes the $40 curriculum,
participant handouts, training, and lunch. The training is subsidized by the
University of MN Extension Service.

Additional staff from any agency may attend for $40.00 which would cover the
training fees but not an additional curriculum.  Agencies must send at least
one person at the $80 rate to receive a curriculum.

If you wish to register please reply to this email with your fax number so
we can fax you a registration form.

It would be great if Winona County could have some bi-lingual participants
as well so that they could come back and work with those often underserved
audiences because of the language barrier.

Many of you received a direct mailing about this training--- if you did not
and want to be on a mailing list for upcoming training for transitioning or
low income families respond to my email with you name and address etc..

Phyllis A. Onstad
Extension Educator
University of MN Extension Service
County Office Bldg.
202 W 3rd St. 
Winona, MN  55987

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