On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 11:59:11AM -0800, C Y wrote:
> There exists in the CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository the
> beginnings of a lint like tool for lisp.
> http://www-cgi.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/lang/lisp/code/tools/lint/0.html
> lint is a tool intended to find common errors in source code, and be
> somewhat more helpful (or strict, as the case may be) than compilers
> themselves are.  I've often thought it would be useful to have a tool
> that could read source code and spot common implementation mistakes
> made by new programmers - it might save some wear on the comp.lang.lisp
> experts.  Of course, it would need those experts to program it, but
> once done... :-)
> Just a thought.

Chris Riesbeck wrote the Lisp Critic for this purpose. A version with
an ASDF file is available here:


Example input and output:

     (defun count-a (lst)
       (setq n 0)
       (dolist (x lst)
         (if (equal x 'a)
           (setq n (+ n 1))))

  Example output:


  SETS-GLOBALS: GLOBALS!! Don't use global variables, i.e., N N

  DOLIST-SETF: Don't use SETQ inside DOLIST to accumulate values for N.
  Use DO. Make N a DO variable and don't use SETQ etc at all.

  USE-EQL: Unless something special is going on, use EQL, not EQUAL.

  X-PLUS-1: Don't use (+ N 1), use (1+ N) for its value or (INCF N) to
  change N, whichever is appropriate here.

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