It is so sad, brought tears to my eyes. I truly empathise with John. What can 
we do?
 little prince-Sanjay N Lulla 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: gay_of_bengal <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 10:25:40 AM
Subject: [SALGA] Co-Moderator of GAY-BANGLA has been attacked physically by his 
own family

Dear Friends, hope & trust you all are fine or hope you all are pretending to 
be fine. I am John (co-moderator) . I am from Bangladesh. I am Gay & I am proud 
to be Gay. But I am not happy. Because, my family knows about my homosexuality. 
They were somewhat moderate first time. But recently they have changed their 
masks and became somewhat homophobic. I could not write long time to the group 
because my family attacked me physically. I was injured.I went to the Police 
Station. But they did not allow me to file a case or General Diary. Police 
sayed, ''You are a feminine type boy. Tell me are you Kothi or drug-addict or 
prost? We are not allowing you to file a GD. Its a silly family matter. So we 
do not deal with this types of silly matters.'' Then they called my dad & told 
him to take me back to home (hell). My dad, mom, sister & even my younger 
brother bit me to death. I was seriously injured. One of my friend came to
help me. Otherwise, I could be killed. Now I am rather better. And now they are 
saying to leave home. They have given me nottice to leave home within 7 days. 
My partner does not live in Bangladesh. So he is helpless. Now could you please 
tell me, Gay means Happy or Unhappy? Can you tell me when the domestic 
violences will be abolished? Can anyone tell? When will my Bangla become SONAR 
BANGLA & GAY BANGLA? Friends, we need to go a very long way, our journey has 
not finished yet, its just started and we do not know our destination ! Well, 
friends, you take care. And be fine or pretend to be fine when you are being 
killed by your family, society, religion & state! Bye for now. Pink Salute! In 
solidarity - John, co-moderator


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