------- Additional Comments From schlie at comcast dot net  2005-02-24 16:14 
Subject: Re:  4.0 bootstrap unreasonably requires
 64-bit target type mode support.

> Maybe I can be clearer, I am not stating that the avr port should not
> support 64-bit long long; just asserting that any port should not require
> 64-bit integers to be able to build the compiler, if the language it's
> being built to support does not correspondingly require it.
> (the avr port was simply used as an example demonstration of the problem)

The further good news is that upon reviewing the DWARF2 spec in detail,
and GCC's implementation, it's clear that a 32-bit DWARF data structure
is sufficient to support any target with 32-bit or less data type sizes.

(which seems that it may be reasonably easy to support by declaring the
DWARF data structure size as a function of the size of target's the maxim
declared data type size; although possibly limited to a practical minimum
of 32-bits, which seems much more reasonable for smaller targets)

[ I'll try  a few experiments ]



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