--- Comment #9 from Tobias Burnus <burnus at gcc dot> 2012-12-28 
12:26:15 UTC ---

I think all issues have been fixed, except for the sub-pointer issue, i.e. last

example of comment 0 - see also comment 6.

The following modified version of the last example of comment 0 also uses

sub-pointers, however, it compiles but produces the wrong result. I think one

should quickly check whether that's a bug in CLASS(*) or just a problem with

subpointers. - If the former, we should fix it, if the latter, we can regard

this as WONTFIX (before the new array descriptor) - and close this PR.

With gfortran, it prints:

   0.00000000       1.00000000       1.10000002    


while with crayftn it prints:

 0.,  0.200000003,  0.400000006


  program change_field_type

    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding

    implicit none

    REAL(kind=c_float), POINTER :: vector_comp(:)

    TYPE, BIND(C) :: scalar_vector

       REAL(kind=c_float) :: scalar

       REAL(kind=c_float) :: vec(3)


    TYPE, BIND(C) :: scalar_vector_matrix

       REAL(kind=c_float) :: scalar

       REAL(kind=c_float) :: vec(3)

       REAL(kind=c_float) :: mat(3,3)


    CLASS(*), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: one_d_field(:)

    real, pointer :: v1(:)

    allocate(one_d_field(3), &

             source = (/ scalar_vector( 1.0, (/ -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 /) ), &

                         scalar_vector( 1.1, (/ -1.2, 0.2, 0.9 /) ), &

                         scalar_vector( 1.2, (/ -1.4, 0.4, 0.8 /) )  /) )

    call extract_vec(one_d_field, 1, 2)

    print *, vector_comp

    deallocate(one_d_field)   ! v1 becomes undefined

    allocate(one_d_field(1), &

         source = (/ scalar_vector_matrix( 1.0, (/ -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 /), &

         reshape( (/ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 /), &

                 (/3, 3/) ) ) /) )

    call extract_vec(one_d_field, 2, 1)

    print *, vector_comp

    deallocate(one_d_field)   ! v1 becomes undefined


    subroutine extract_vec(field, tag, ic)

        use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding

        CLASS(*), TARGET :: field(:)

        INTEGER(kind=c_int), value :: tag, ic

        type(scalar_vector), pointer :: sv(:)

        type(scalar_vector_matrix), pointer :: svm(:)

        select type (field)

        type is (real(c_float))

          vector_comp => field

        class default

          select case (tag)

          case (1)

             sv => field

             vector_comp => sv(:)%vec(ic)

          case (2)

             svm => field

             vector_comp => svm(:)%vec(ic)

          end select

        end select

    end subroutine

  end program

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