--- Comment #7 from Louis Dionne <ldionne.2 at gmail dot com> ---
I ran into this problem in another context, and I think it justifies some
thinking about how this issue is going to be handled by the language. I
_really_ think the following should be valid C++. This is a C++11
implementation of the `quote` utility of the Boost.MPL. Unfortunately,
it won't compile when given an alias:

    #include <type_traits>

    template <template <typename ...> class f>
    struct quote {
        template <typename ...x>
        using apply = f<x...>;

    using test = quote<std::add_pointer_t>::apply<int>;

It is very important for this kind of code to be valid to enable a generic
handling of aliases in metaprograms. Without this, I see two solutions:
    1. Use metafunctions instead of aliases, i.e.
    2. Do not use variadic templates and have numbered forms for `quote` for
       each number of arguments up to some number. This is basically returning
       to C++03.

Tested on gcc 4.9.1 and clang 3.5.0 (trunk).

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